Celebrating Passover in Mavkiim Center

Waiting for Passover approaching, the children gathered yesterday in Yad Rachel Center in Mavkiim and and celebrated the holiday together along with the team of the Center. They held a meal, printed their own Agadot, set the most beautiful table and created a very festive atmosphere. This is an opportunity for us to wish happy holiday for all our patients, staff and their families. We wish everyone a pleasant holiday full of experiences.

Evening dedicated to the staff members of the Central Region

Once a in a while we bring together some of Yad Rachel  170 staff members of the from different frameworks we operate across the country, who invest so many hours and energies and powers to fulfil the needs of many hundreds of patients. The staff try to improve as much as possible in helping the patients and respond to their needs. They do so with great dedication and great love. Yesterday, the Center team from all the Central Region gathered at the special evening meeting.

This is one of the ways for us to thank them and express our appreciation to employees for their wonderful work, try to see them as good as they see their patients  and respond to some of the needs of their challenging and complex work. At the event they’ve met with  playback theatre  “Spark” crew. The staff told stories of everyday life at the After School Centers, stories about the challenges they face in their work, stories about children who challenged them, the dilemmas they had while working, and actors presented their stories in front of everyone while they improvise and dramatise the stories as they see and experience them. The experience was very successful and funny and everyone seemed to have really enjoyed. At the end of the evening everyone enjoyed a dinner made by the team leaders.

Parent-Child group in Ein Tzurim Center

Recently we completed a therapy group for parents and children in Yad Rachel Parent-Child center for the community of Nitzan. During the meetings families created mosaic on the wall in the shape of the heart. The work required a lot of patience, perseverance, and planning and result in no doubt filled everyone with excitement and pride.
This work is another one of the many ways in which we try to get people to feel comfortable in the Center and feel that the Center also belongs to them and they are part of it.

Mother’s Day in Jasmine Center

Towards upcomming Mother’s Day celebrated soon by Arab society, in Jasmine After School Club for Arab society in Lod there was held a spacial parent-child activity. The families met a yoga teacher, who read them a story and practiced exercises movements according to the figures that appeared in the story. The attendance ind themcollaboration of the families was high. Some families whose children are not regularly in the Center, also came to the event. There was great excitement among mothers and children and they seem really enjoying it.

Paz After School Center Exhibition In Israeli Museum

This week there was an impressive and exciting event at the Israeli Museum. Kids from Paz After School Center which is operated by Yad Rachel in Rainbow Talpaz school in East Talpiot in Jerusalem, presented their art works to their families, school officials and representatives of the Ministry of Welfare. The exhibition at the museum was the end of a very significant process occurred in the past two months, during which the children came once a week, accompanied by a museum’s art instructor, Mrs. Nina Elan. They produced several series of works of art related to nature and life circles. The exposure of children to the subject, the art and the museum was very significant for them. During the work they have learned a lot about themselves and their friends and acquired many tools that will help them in their lives. In addition to the exhibition of children’s works of, families also received a guided tour of one of the current exhibitions at the museum and  were interested in it, asked lot of questions and participated very actively.

This is not the first time we have such cooperation with Israel Museum and all the museums in the country and every time we are excited about the intensity of the process and the exhibitions themselves for the children and their parents and therapeutic work done outside the treatment room.

Purim in the Parent-Child Center Ein Tzurim

We’ve recently celebrated the holiday of Purim Also the Parent-Child Center in Ein Zurim. All Yad Rachel’s families treated there got together for exciting Purim eve, which included several workshops. There was as an art workshop, makeup and photography workshop and baking workshop. All workshops were presented by parents from the Center. The evening was very exciting and special.

Purim in Yad Rachel

These days we celebrate the holiday of Purim all around the country. Of course, it also was felt in our programs. The team members are doing their best to give children a special experience, colorful and happy.

Here are only several examples: our  main building in Jerusalem became a palace with a fancy banquet hall, Alonim Afterschool Center became a live jungle, the Center in Mavkiim turned to a magical world of Alice in Wonderland and the kids from  Alon Shvut were surprised to celebrate the holiday in  the Kingdom of Sweets.

Thanks to huge effort of the staff members and their orientation towards the needs of our children, the kids from our Centers had really  happy and special Purim holiday.

Happy Purim to all our partners!!!

Thank you for your help and support!

Annual corporate training for Yad Rachel employees

As in previous years all our employees were invited to take part in Yad Rachel annual corporate training day. Staff welfare and professionalism are part of our priorities in the way Yad Rachel operates and plans its resources to give our children and their family members the best service possible.

We were blessed with very dedicated staff members who put all their time and resources, particularly emotional, ‘to see’ the needs of patients that are facing them and provide them with the most appropriate response during the year. Our employees meet daily with the difficulties of others and do all they can to help and benefit, even if it means investing lot of time and thought outside of the work hours. This seminar is an opportunity for us to allow our dear staff, to have some time off and get a breathe of fresh air to continue to deal with the challenges they all do in the professional way in which they do this, and to  say a heartfelt thank you for their work.

Cooperation between Yad Rachel Center in Mavkiim with Magav Police Unit

For several years there was a close relationship and cooperation between Yad Rachel Center in Mavkiim with Magav Police Unit in the area. The police unit members visited the Center, spent time together with the children, became really attached to them, took an active part in the educational and therapeutic process and arranged for us unique activities around the festivals and events throughout the year. The children, both staff and police officers were very excited about the meetings, gained unique experience and felt very good together.

The connection to the community is very important to us and at every opportunity that we can hold joint activities with community organizations in the Center, we try to do so.

On this occasion the Magav unit made huge contribution through their they giving to the children of the Center.