Attn: Our account number in UK have been changed!

Dear UK friends, first of all, thank you for your support! Please, pay attention that our donation details have slightly changed. Please, make sure you have correct account number, before you donate next time! Click here to see the details.

Our first project on a J-GIVE website- a hot meal program for after school centers

Greetings to all our partners and friends!

We are making the first steps in a very modern and interesting way to give you an opportunity to support our projects –  J-GIVE website, which allows to accept financial contributions without unnecessary fees and costs. Your donation goes directly to us. There is only minimal clearance costs, which would anyway be charged when donating through credit card.

We will be delighted if you could help us publish our first campaign there and, of course, if you would like to donate!

To go to the donation page  through J-GIVE, please click here or on the image:

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And please Share-Share-Share!

Forward the link to this page to as many people as you can!

Thank you in advance and good week!