Happy New Year 2021

גלויה 2021letter workers_eng

November – the month of friendship in Yad Rachel

I have a friend, he’s brown like chocolate.
He is so nice to me when I’m really sad.
You’re right, from me he is so different,
But how could I give up on such a good friend?
What a fun is it to have many friends …
(Chana Goldberg)

This month, we dealt with Yad Rachel programs with the subject of friendshi, In addition in Literacy Program we’ve learned concepts of chorus and description.
The children began to accept themselves with their difficulties as a starting point for growing, expressing their feelings without feeling threatened, afraid or ashamed, listening to and seeing and accepting the other.

All the methodical content was developedbuilt by Yad Rachel’s professional team, a pedagogical coordinator, a training coordinator and an accompanying social worker, in order to ensure that the topics and the methodics meet the needs of the children.

We thank you again for your commitment to helping children to succeed despite the social and economic distress into which they were born and grown up.

A meeting with the writer Mirik Snir

As a part of the project “After the the reading” for encouraging and strengthening the passion to read in Yad Rachel After School Center “Erez” we held a meeting with the writer Mirik Snir. Preparation for the meeting started long before the activity: in the month preceding the arrival of the writer, children read some of her books, during learning activities for parents and children they wrote together some interesting questions for Mirik. In addition, every parent and child received Instructions and materials for making an animal from the story “If suddenly I meet a lion”. The exhibition presented the animals to the writer on the day of the meeting. During the meeting Mirik told children stories, answered their questions, presented them with signed books and held a conversation parents on their responsibilities as adults to expose children to books and enrich their world. Both parents and kids really liked it and it appeared to us that all of the sides got a lot of positive experience from this activity.

Literacy Program funded by The Jerusalem Foundation as a part of Yad Rachel Activity

We are very grateful for the continued funding The Jerusalem Foundation is providing for our Literacy Program.

In the current information age, an individual’s literacy level has a critical impact on a person’s ability to integrate into society, to contribute to it and enjoy the contribution from it. Literacy skills, including the ability to acquire language, social competence, etc. and to use it correctly, begins to form at an early age. As a child grows up, we witness a remarkable evolutionary process, rich and multi-dimensional. Studies show that when it comes to literacy skills, the children problematic social backgrounds struggle wit the  most significant gaps and their success levels in the field of literacy are much lower then those of the children from a high socio-economic background.

The combination of the educational component, emotional component and extra studies, as part of a treatment offered by Yad Rachel, allows families to move forward  with confidence creative and to grow up productive members of the society.

Together with The Jerusalem Foundation we have established the assisted learning room in Yad Rachel main building in Jerusalem. This room has a magical atmosphere where we are able to give children the opportunity to get to know the world of letters, reading and writing more closely. Our teachers have worked hard on the design and planning of the room and of course on preparing learning materials and activities to help kids make the most out of the space offered. The children will find here a place to read, to play, to create works of art on issues related to the stories they are being taught at the moment and on and on. Environment is  comfortable here, neatly kept room and it’s good arrangement helps children to feel respect and appreciation for the activities that take place there, and even for themselves when they take part and make success in the learning process.

We are always happy to thank our donors and partners from The Jerusalem Foundation!

Have a closer look to our renewed learning room: