Winter at Tel Aviv After School Centers: Greetings from a Warm Home
There is good news from our clubs in Tel Aviv – the winter is very hot and full of activities!
Our children come to Istael from diferent countries. Their parents are foreign workers and asylum seekers.
In past few months, volunteers from various programs jouined our After School Centers in Tel Aviv
A new IDF National Service Volunteer arrived too and our girls are already really attached to her
This birthday celebration is a must. We do not forget to say “Happy Birthday” to any girl or boy
The favorite birthday treat is PIZZA!
We celebrated “Hanuchristmas” – activity for parents and children, with the participation of volunteers from the “Uri’s Dreydel” association. Thanks to all the volunteers!
And even The Spiderman dropped by
We have a theater class and it makes everyone happy
Art class alows us to ste the mind free and use all our imagination.
And to stretch a bit
In basketball class, not only we play, but also train for better coordination and fitness
And some of us also like to play chess
On Hanukkah we went to several performances. A donation of tickets alowwed our teenage girls from a Warm Home to see the Festigal. We also went out to the show “The Three Musketeers” and saw “Peter Pan”. Oh, what a fun was it!
We were also invited to a special meeting in the CEO’s Office of Ganey Taarucha